Sunday 10 April 2022

01-001 Cards wear

Cards wear

No matter we are black or white, man or woman, religious or not, and whichever language we speak, it seems there is a common goal among us parents. We want to draw away our children from watching TV. Yes, I amid. My kids watched too much TV. Even at the moment I am writing this post, they are watching TV.

Card game is one of the effective ways to draw their attention away. Playing cards are exciting. They are normally cheap, wouldn’t take up too much of your storage space. And they can stimulate your ways of thinking. Card playing also bears a rich history. Their designs reflect their cultures. And mostly importantly, your wife won’t complain when seeing you playing cards with your children!

But before telling you which cards I have in my collection and which one I would recommend, I first need you to amid one thing. Cards wear. Yes, no card games are designed to last forever. If you want to enjoy a moment playing cards with your kids, let them wear.

Sorry. I know you won’t agree if you are a card game nerd. I understand. Because I was just like you. I used to treasure my cards much more than my credit cards. In my eyes, every cards are precious. I put every single cards in plastic sleeves, expecting them to last forever. I never shuffle them. And I gone mad when seeing people playing cards and at the same time drinking Coca-Cola.

Be realistic. Your kids will bend your cards. They will tear your cards into half when they loss. And pour orange juice on top of them when they win. If you want to enjoy the moment playing cards with your kids, or you want them to enjoy their moment playing cards with you, just let it be.

So, you seriously think that people in the past will sleeve their cards?
Picture source: Wikipedia

So, these are the main criteria of picking my cards:

1. Just buy cheap cards;
2. Aim for those that are widely available;
3. No limited edition or anything out of print;
4. Do ask your kids to treasure the cards even though they won’t;
5. If any card breaks, just buy another pack.

These are also the reasons why I prefer card games to board games.

Still not convinced? I tell you one thing. I just bought my wife to a local restaurant for lunch. We had fish and chip, a burger and 2 coffees. Do you know how much I have paid for that lunch? If you think your cards are too precious to be ruined, just skip a lunch!

Go back to the Lobby ...

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