Saturday 10 September 2022

04-001 Pearl of the Orients

Pearl of the Orients

If you ask me why I started a new chapter dedicated to Hong Kong, the only answer I got is, because I’m living here.

I have been living in other cities before, 3 years in London, 2 in Wolverhampton and almost 1 year in Singapore. And because of my job nature, I travel around always. China, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, or even somewhere further like India, Pakistan and Germany. I always visit these places for business trips, well, at least before the pandemic.

In my leisure time, I also like travel. I have been to Australia, Israel, Japan, Myanmar, France, Spain, Monaco, Holland and a brief stopping in Brussels, Belgium. I have even been to North Korea. But still, Hong Kong is really a special place in my eyes. Let me convince you.

  • In Hong Kong, people always complains of living in small flats. But 40% of our lands are left barren, or so-called “country parks”.
  • Cantonese is our major language and spoken by almost 99% of people living here. But in office, we write email in English.
  • With a population of over 7 million, the majority of people do not own an automobile. We travel to school by bus.
  • We are proud of our well-developed public transport system. But there are some villages only served by ferry that operates only once a week.
  • Rice is the major staple food here. However, we import more than 250 million kg of rice every year and only grow 7000 kg (<0.00003%) on our own.
  • Majority of people are Chinese here but we all eat Western food for breakfast.
  • When talking about Hong Kong, most foreigners will immediately think of Jacky Chan. But the majority of people here do not like him.


Yes, this is Hong Kong, the Pearl of the Orient.

Pearl of the Orients, Hong Kong

With all those civil unrests happened in 2019 and the pandemic afterwards, many people said this pearl is not shinning anymore. But this is still the city that I love. It is not the best place in the world, for sure. But I love this place. Hang on! Let me show you around. Buckle up!

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