Saturday 24 December 2022

04-005 Paxlovid


I do not expect of writing this post.

I was, finally, infected by COVID. It was the first week of December, 2022. For most people, being able to stay away from COVID for so long is a miracle. As even many political leaders, such as Donald Trump, Queen Elizabeth II & Joe Biden, were already infected a long time ago. Thanks to Hongkong’s “Zero COVID policy”, we were safely protected from the virus until the Omicron outbreak that happened at beginning of this year. But I still managed to stay away from the virus for ten more months, which I bet is the help from wearing masks.

I do not have a clue on how I get infected. I went for hiking with my daughter 2 days before. Wearing a mask in public area is still mandatory in Hongkong. But we were allowed to take it off when doing exercises. So, both of us took off our masks for a few hours. And on the next day, my daughter was tested positive. Not sure if that was related.

After the beautiful hiking, I was trapped at home for a week

During the time of my infection, the daily confirmed figure of this 7 million population city was around 10,000. That is, for sure, the reported figure only. The actual figure should be at least double.

The law requirements of Hongkong

By law, after being tested positive, I was required to report my case through a government website. I also need to quarantine myself for at least 5 days, either at home or in one of the designated quarantine centers. Every Hongkongers have a mobile app called “Leave Home Safe” installed on their mobile phone. And inside is a QR code showing if a person is vaccinated or infected. Normally, the code is in blue colour. As the app is linked to the government database, after reporting my infection, my code changed to red. That would forbid me entering any restaurants even though I sneaked out. I did not. I am a good Christian. I obey the law. Besides, I was really feeling unwell at that time. So, I spent most of the days lying on my bed.

Remote doctor appointment

Apart from “Leave Home Safe”, there is another very helpful app provided by my government. It is called “H.A. Go!”. H. A. is the short form for Hospital Authority. With the app, I can make remote doctor appointment. So, I made one.

The appointment is on the third day after my infection. There was no more high temperature but I was still coughing, sneezing with runny nose and some phlegm. It was a video call. I told the doctor my symptoms and how I felt. Then suddenly, she asked me about my BMI. I was not prepared for this question. I need a calculator. But my calculator is my mobile phone, which I was using. What should I do?

I said 38. It is the bus number I took for work. “38? Are you sure your BMI is 38? You are very fat! I need to give you Paxlovid!”

Hours later, a courier man rang my doorbell and leave me this medicine pack.

The medical pack from the government

So, what’s inside? Among them, the biggest box is the Pfizer’s Paxlovid.

Pfizer Paxlovid

There are also other medicines for common flu, such as Dequalinium Chloride Lozenge, Lysozyme Chloride Tablet, Chlorpheniramine Maleate Tablet, Paracetamol Tablet, Bromhexine HCL Tablet, and 2 bottles of cough syrup. 

Dequalinium Chloride Lozenge, for sore throat

Lysozyme Chloride Tablet, for phlegm

Chlorpheniramine Maleate Tablet, for runny nose

Paracetamol Tablet, for high temperature

Bromhexine HCL Tablet, also for phlegm

Cough Syrup, from a local pharmacy

The medicines are enough for a week.

How does it feel after taking Paxlovid?

A dose of Paxlovid contains 3 big pills. Instructions said I should swallow them without breaking them up. And I should take 1 dose in the morning and another dose before sleep, for a consecutive 5 days.

The only feeling after taking Paxlovid is that there is always a bitter taste in my throat. It is just like having a mouthful of black coffee there. Maybe this is the magic of this medicine to prevent the COVID virus to further infect the lung. Drinking water can dilute the bitter taste. And the taste gone automatically after a few hours.

During the whole course, I was still having cough and some phlegm. Paxlovid has no effect to those symptoms. I need to take additional the cough syrup to relieve my cough and chlorpheniramine tablets to get rid of my phlegm.

I finished the course 2 weeks ago. I am still alive. There are no other side effects. I guess taking Paxlovid is safe.

How much does it cost me?

Zero. Internet said a course of Paxlovid costs USD 580. But I paid nothing for that. The government sponsored me the doctor appointment, the Paxlovid, other pills and the courier fee.

After passing the National Security Law, many accuse Hongkong government as tyranny. Will Kim Jong Un give his citizen this amount of medicine for free? I am not even a taxpayer here.

What exactly is my BMI?


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