Friday 21 April 2023

01-030 Tarocco Siciliano

Tarocco Siciliano

In the previous posts, I have introduced 2 of the 3 surviving Latin-suited tarot decks that are still used for gaming in Italy, the Tarocco Piemontese and the Tarocco Bolognese decks. Today, we are looking into the third one, the Tarocco Siciliano.

Tarocco Siciliano

Tarocco Siciliano is originated from the capital city of Sicily Island, Palermo. History of the deck can be dated back to early 17th century. It is used to play Sicilian tarocchi nowadays.

The deck is heavily influenced by the Tarocco Bolognese and the Minchiate. Its trump suit follows mostly the pattern of the Tarocco Bolognese, with exceptions of a few unique cards to the deck. For example, trump 0 “Miseria” and trump 4 “Constanza” are unique to the deck. Trump 14 “Vascello” is from the Minchiate. And Jupiter replaced the angel to cast down judgement on Trump 20.

The Fool and the lowest trump "Miseria"
Both cards are unnumbered.

Other trumps are numbered

Below are the cards of the trump suit, listed in order:

  • 20   Jupiter (Giove)
  • 19    Atlas (Atlante) or the Globe (Palla)
  • 18    Sun (Sole)
  • 17    Moon (Luna)
  • 16    Star (Stella)
  • 15    Tower (Torre)
  • 14    Ship (Vascello)
  • 13    Death    
  • 12    Time      
  • 11     Hanged Man
  • 10    Wheel    
  • 9      Chariot  
  • 8      Love       
  • 7      Justice   
  • 6      Fortitude      
  • 5      Temperance 
  • 4      Constancy (Constanza)
  • 3      Emperor
  • 2      Empress
  • 1      Mountebank (Bagotti) or the Young Men (Picciotti)
  • (0)   Destitution (Miseria) or Poverty (Poverta)

* Brackets indicate the card is not numbered. 

The extinct Portuguese-suited deck

The other 4 suits are the swords (spade), the batons (bastoni), the cups (coppe) and the coins (denari). However, the design is not totally Italian. The deck uses Spanish pips of knobbly cudgels and straight swords like other southern Italian decks. It also intersects the swords and clubs on the pip cards. This design is actually called the Portuguese pattern. Portuguese-suited deck is now extinct and Tarocco Siciliano is only surviving playing card deck that preserved the pattern.

Pip cards of the swords, the batons, the cups and the coins.
Only the coins suit has number 4.
The intersecting of swords and batons represent the Portuguese pattern.
Ordinary Portuguese-suited playing cards are now extinct.
But the pattern survived in this tarot deck.

Tarocco Siciliano produced today is in a shortened form, with ranks 1 to 4 of the pip cards removed from each suit, with the exception of Coins which have a 4. Therefore, the deck currently uses 63 cards, one more than the Tarocco Bolognese. Some deck also contains the 1 of Coins. This card is mostly not used for gaming but for the tax stamp. 

The Ace of coins
This card is included only for taxation purpose.

Is Tarocco Siciliano worth buying?

Similar to the situations of Tarocco Piemontese & Tarocco Bolognese, you can play all tarot games with a deck of Tarot Nouveau. Tarocco Siciliano deck has less cards and lacks corner pips. However, if you want to play those traditional Sicilian tarot games in a more traditional way, you would like to play with a deck of Tarocco Siciliano. The cards are beautifully printed and not expensive at all. So, it is up to you if you want to add this deck to your collection. But for just playing games, it is not necessary to buy. 

Court cards of the four suits.
They are all unlabelled.
And the "Jacks" are female.

General Information


3 to 4

Playing Time




Year Released



(Public Domain)








Card size

50mm x 83mm

Deck size

64 cards

# of suits

5 – Swords (spade), Batons (bastoni), Cups (coppe), Coins (denari) & Trumps


The deck is in Portuguese suit. Pip cards are not numbered, valued from 5 to 10. The Coins also have a 4. The 4 face cards are King (re), Queen (donna), Knight (cavallo) and female knaves (donne), all being unlabeled.

Trump consists of 21 cards, which bears similarity to the trump suit of Tarocco Bolognese.

Some deck contains the 1 of Coins for taxation purpose.

There are no Jokers.

Game Play

Before I can find any video showing the game play of Mineo, please refer to the rules on Pagat:

Where to buy?


Go back to the Lobby ...

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