Thursday 31 August 2023

04-019 Busking CD

Busking CD

Life is full of choices and regrets.

It was a sunny weekend back in the early 2019. I was walking with my son in Central. We have just taken the Star Ferry from Tsimshatsui and was on the way to the Exchange Square for a bus back home. Enroute, I saw a band busking on a footbridge.

I am dump about music. I did not know what music they were playing. Their instruments also looked strange to me. I had no idea what they are. But their music was so good and attracted a large group of people.

My son has ADHD. If you have come across any ADHD kids, you will know that it is difficult to have them standing still on the street, listening to live music. I wanted to stay there for a little while. But if I did that, my son would start yelling. I knew I should better keep walking. And just before I left, I found that the band was also selling CD.

“Should I buy their CD? Then I can enjoy their music at home. I can also find out where they come from and what music they are playing.” But after struggling for a few seconds, I decided not to buy. Their CD was selling at $200, which is a bit over my budget. And I did not even have a hi-fi at home.

I started to regret soon after I have arrived home.

Busking CD

On the next day, I went back to the footbridge, hoping to see the band again. But they were gone. I told myself, “Next time when there is a good busker, just grab the CD and skip the dinner.” However, that seemed to be an easy task suddenly became very difficult.

Just months later, Hongkong went into chaos. And a few more months later, the whole world went into chaos.

Foreigners were no more. Local buskers were still busking in this semi-lockdown city. But I have not seen any of them selling CD. We locals have all migrated to YouTube, Instagram and Facebook for years. In fact, many houses do not even have a CD player nowadays.

Hongkong has opened its border to foreigners since early last year. With the lift of compulsory quarantine in last September, Hongkong has seen a gradual increase in inbound travelers from overseas. And I am so glad to meet Pepito GJ in Wanchai this week.

Pepito GJ busking in Wanchai

I was in a hurry. I needed to fix my internet bill and be back home before 7:30. But I was stopped by Pepito’s music. Pepito GJ is a musician who plays gypsy jazz. As I am dumb about music, I do not know what gypsy jazz is. I have not heard of Pepito neither. But I just love his music. Not allowing myself to have another regret this time, I dumped $200 into his hat and grabbed his 2 CDs.

The 2 CDs by Pepito GJ

Busking CDs are usually self-produced and sold by the buskers themselves, either on the street or online. They contain music recorded by a busker, which is a street performer who plays music for voluntary donations. Busking CDs can be a way for buskers to share their music with a wider audience, earn some extra income, and promote their artistic identity.

Most of the busking CDs are limited production. They are rare and unique recordings that are not available in mainstream or digital platforms. Pepito’s CDs are nothing exceptional. They are made by recordable CDs and did not come with a jewel case. I am so glad to add his CDs in my music collection.

 The CD titled “Pepito” contains 6 songs:
Swing 39, Love, Blue drag, Honey suckle rose,
Bossaka & 

His new album titled “Gypsy Jazz” contains 9 songs:
All of me, Amelie Waltz, Besame Mucho, Blue Bossa,
Bossa Dorado, I’ll see you in my dreams, Minor swing,
Out of nowhere & Rose room 

Welcome to Hongkong, Pepito and thanks for bringing your music here.

His music is also on YouTube and Instagram.

Go back to the Lobby ...

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