Friday 22 April 2022

01-008 Blink


Blink is one of the card games from the Mattel value pack that I bought from Amazon. And it is also the first card game from the pack to play with my kids.

Blink is a fast acting game. It tests your reflection, rather than your skill or luck. A game normally last only 2 minutes. It is a 2 player game and is very ideal to carry around and play with friends while waiting for somethings.


My son enjoys playing it with his friends in the children church. Only kids with similar age can compete with each others. Like my daughter, who is 2 years younger than my son, can never bet her brother. So, she does not like the game. My son do like it, however, because he is always the winner while playing with my daughter.

Blink is a Mattel product. So there is no surprise to see its box to be exactly the same size as that of the UNO. It nicely fits alongside with other Mattel card games. Price is also cheap. I highly recommend to have one handy.

General Information



Playing Time

10 mins



Year Released



Reinhard Staupe


Mattel, Inc.


Shedding / Stops


5.9 (Board Game Geek)


Due to copyright issue, I cannot show you the full deck here.

Card size

US game size cards
(55.9mm x 87.1mm, 2.2" x 3.43")

Deck size

60 cards

# of suits



There is no suit. All 60 cards are unique. Each card has different shape, colour and count. 

For shape, my version has dot, cross, triangle, diamond, star and lightening.

For colour, my version has red, yellow, green, blue, purple and black.

Count ranges from 1 to 5. 

Design varies slightly between different versions.

The game play


Where to buy?


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