Monday 20 November 2023

06-009 Вызов


Just a bit more than a year after Russia invaded Ukraine, a very special movie premiered at the State Kremlin Palace in the Moscow Kremlin. The movie is called Вызов, or The Challenge in English.


What makes the movie so special?

The Challenge is the world’s first feature-length fiction film to have scenes shot in space by a professional filmmaker. The premiere date of the movie was also specially selected, being 12th April, 2023, the World Cosmonautics Day celebrating the 62nd anniversary of the first human spaceflight by Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

Part of the movie was filmed on ISS

I have heard of this movie before the Russo-Ukrainian War. Back in early October 2021, “Russians beat Tom Cruise as first to film a movie in space” already became the headline of CNN. Principal photography of the movie began on 5th October, when the main actress Yulia Peresild and the director Klim Shipenko, accompanied by cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov, flew to the ISS. The mission lasted 11 days, 22 hours and 13 minutes. While on the ISS, Klim Shipenko shot about 30 hours of material. He also worked as director, art director, makeup artist, and production designer. The footage shot in space became approximately 35 minutes of the final runtime of the film.

Is The Challenge really the first movie in space?

If you are talking about anything that shot in space ever ending up on the big screen, the answer is definitely no. Over all these years, we saw at least 5 documentaries being shot in the space and 2 of them were showed on IMAX theatres. But if talking about feature-length fiction film, then … let us find out together.

The 1984 Return from Orbit

Back in the 80s, the Soviet movie Возвращение с орбитыReturn from Orbit in English, featured scenes filmed in orbit onboard Salyut 7 space station and Soyuz T-9 spacecraft. However, the film's actors did not travel to space for any filming. All footage were captured by the Russian cosmonauts. So in general, this movie was not qualified as “the first movie in space”.

The 2012 Apogee of Fear

In 2012, a short film Apogee of Fear was shot entirely in space by private astronaut Richard Garriott. The completed film is just over 5 minutes in length. Since Apogee of Fear is not a feature-length film and it has never reached any big screen, so this also does not count.

The 2016 Yolki 5

But the 2016 Ёлки 5, or Yolki 5 in English, should count. Yolki 5 is an omnibus comedy film with 7 segments. Each segment features everyday Russian life. And one of the segment was filmed by cosmonauts Mikhail Kornienko and Andrey Borisenko on the ISS. They acted as themselves in the movie. So, why The Challenge is the world’s first feature-length fiction film but not Yolki 5?

Where to watch?

Due to sanction from the West, The Challenge was only premiered in Russia and some ex-Soviet countries. The movie did not make its way to any Western cinemas. It is not on Netflix, Disney, Hulu, Prime Video or any major streaming providers. The Challenge was not showed in the Chinese cinemas also. Technically, there is no official way to watch this movie outside Russia.

Luckily, I was given a link to watch the movie. I need to confess. This is not a proper way. But I am so excited to see the completion of “the first movie in space” and I desperately wanted to watch. I promise when I find a DVD, I will buy.

Is The Challenge good?

Warning: Spoilers ahead

I think most people know the plotline of the movie without watching. The movie was completely spoiled by those news articles surrounding it – a cosmonaut was injured and Yulia Peresild, starring as a surgeon, was sent to the ISS, performed a surgery in zero gravity, and both of them came back to Earth, save. Mission completed. Simple and easy. But it is actually more than that.

Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (GCTC)

The movie gives everyone a tour inside GCTC

The main storyline of the movie is definitely around the mission – how the cosmonaut was injured, the decision on sending someone to ISS, the selection and training part, and finally the mission itself. This took up about 3 quarters of the movie length. Astronomy enthusiasts must be very excited when watching the movie. A lot of footages were shot inside the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (GCTC). You can see many training equipment, such as the neutral buoyancy pool, the 1:1 ISS training module, and the centrifuge. Instead of those still photos shared on the official website of GCTC, the movie shows a more dimensional views of those equipment and also how they actually operate.

A 1:1 ISS training module

The centrifuge

The movie shows how some of the equipment inside GCTC work

Other interesting part of the movie is the Ilyushin-76 flying laboratory for zero gravity training. Astronomy enthusiasts must have heard of this plane. But how it actually works? What does the cabin of the plane look like? And how long can you experience zero G in each free fall? The Challenge tells you everything about this.

The Ilyushin-76 flying laboratory

Every free fall of the plane creates a moment of zero gravity

Treasure your moment!
Zero gravity only lasts for 25 seconds in one free fall.

For sure, the most exciting part of the movie is the space travel. We all know that the zero G surgery is fake. But the Soyuz spaceflight and ISS are real. At the end of the movie, there is even a spacewalk. You will find out how small ISS actually is. It is hard to imagine 13 people squeezing into this small compartment altogether.

The operation is fake

But the Soyuz MS-19 is real

The ISS is real

And the spacewalk is also real

But apart from the mission part, the movie also tries to include some romance into the storyline. Dr. Evgenia Belyaeva, acted by Yulia Peresild, is a widow. Her daughter is in teenage and has just caused some troubles in school, that needs Evgenia to do with. Her old mum is living with them, with poor health. And there is also romance with Dr. Vladislav Nikolaev, a young and handsome doctor that works together with Evgenia in the same hospital. By adding all these ingredients to the heroic space mission, the director wants to show that the protagonist is not a hero. She is just a human that also has similar problems as we face every day.

Afterall, Dr. Evgenia is just a normal woman

She has a troublesome daughter and a mum to take care

But the mission part has already occupied 3/4 of the movie. Adding all those romance lengthened the movie to almost 3 hours long. However, The Challenge is a standalone installment. Dr. Evgenia is not a Marvel character. No one has any knowledge of her before watching. The romance part is too short to draw the audience to get a grasp of her struggle, but too long to bore those astronomy enthusiasts who only interested in the sci-fi part. If the director can shape the movie into pure action and cut down the running time to just over 90 minutes, The Challenger would be perfect.

Nevertheless, I still recommend this movie to all astronomy enthusiasts, if you have such a chance. And no matter you like Вызов or not, the movie keeps reminding its audience one thing – Putin is watching you!

Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you

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